Ernst Strüngmann Institut (ESI) für Neurowissenschaften
The Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience is an independent research institute specializing in the field of brain research. The researchers at the ESI are working to understand the neural mechanisms that enable our brains to perform higher cognitive functions, such as attention and memory. They observe the simultaneous activity of several cells, circuits or brain sections to find out how their interaction shapes human behavior. The findings contribute to develop approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases such as affective disorders or strokes.
The groundbreaking science fiction film production “Fantastic voyage” by 20th Century Fox in the 1960s was considered an “overwhelming experience”. The story: five researchers shrunk to miniature size travel in a miniature submarine into a patient's brain to do surgery on him. But where does brain research stand today? What has become reality over the last 60 years? Find out in our exhibition pavilion!