
Course of Life

When something in the body isn’t working right, malfunctioning proteins might be the cause. But how do we figure out what’s going wrong? How do researchers get a close look at these tiny molecules and unravel the secrets of their structure and function? Find out on our Course of Life!

Sept. 28th. 2024
10:30-6:30 pm

Booth 4

Course of Life

Humans are made up of 100 trillion cells, each packed with countless proteins that carry out vital tasks. When something goes wrong in the body, it could be due to proteins that aren’t functioning properly.

You can help save lives by identifying, studying, and understanding the structure of these proteins!

Case 1:

Researchers worldwide are racing to find an effective treatment for COVID-19. Where do you start? Which protein is the right target? As a scientist, you’ve got a hypothesis that you’re eager to explore.

Case 2:

Something isn’t right in your body. For months, you’ve been feeling extremely tired, experiencing muscle cramps and nausea. As a scientist, you suspect it might be due to a malfunction in the mitochondria—the cell’s energy factories. But what exactly is causing it?

Case 3:

The HIV virus inserts its genetic material into that of a human cell. How does the virus manage to do this? Where’s the weak spot in the system? If you can figure this out, you’ll make a huge contribution to humanity as a scientist!