Citizen Scientists beugen sich über einen gelben Regenschirm, in dem sie Insekten aus Gehölzen geschüttelt haben

"Gemeinsam forschen" at Senckenberg

There are numerous opportunities to get involved in Senckenberg's nature research. As a citizen scientist, as a volunteer or in various working groups. Everyone can contribute his or her skills and knowledge, contribute to research and gain and deepen new insights by working together with Senckenberg scientists.

Citizen Scientists beugen sich über einen gelben Regenschirm, in dem sie Insekten aus Gehölzen geschüttelt haben
Sept. 28th. 2024
10:00-7:00 pm

Booth 6

There are many ways in which you can actively participate in Senckenberg's research. Whether it's our Citizen Science projects, where you research defined questions and projects in a group together with like-minded people, work areas and collections that you accompany over a longer period of time as a volunteer, or whether you deepen your interest in an animal or plant group in a working group, or enjoy communicating scientific content - there is the right format for every interest. And perhaps you even have your own ideas on how you can support research.

You can find out which projects and activities are available in our various research areas and where support is currently needed at our stand.