
WALK & SEE: Dialogic walk with art

“Does this qualify as art or can it be discarded?" Or does it perhaps even have to be discarded? How long has it even been in this spot? And what effect does it have on the public space and on us? What significance do works of art and monuments have for our democracy? We will explore similar questions together during the dialogical WALK & SEE.

Sept. 28th. 2024
3:00-4:00 pm

Booth 3

Let's go for a walk together with...

Verena Kuni (Dr. phil., M.A.) is scholar in art theory & history, cultural and media studies and professor for visual culture at Goethe University Frankfurt (Main). Since 1996 she has been researching and teaching at universities and art academies in Germany and beyond, including numerous teaching assignments, guest lecture- and professorships, as well as lectures, talks, workshops and panels at international conferences and other events.

Her research and projects are dedicated a. o. to transfers between material and media cultures; media of imagination; technologies, aesthetics and politics of transformation; (in)visibilia; DIY cultures; information and knowledge design; toys and/as tools; urban biotopes and technonaturecultures; alternate realities; (trans)formations of time.

Her curatorial work is focussed on interdisciplinary projects and formats at the intersection of theory and practice. From 1995 to 1999 she has been co-curator at the Kassel Documentary Film & Video Festival, where since 1999 she is director of the interdisciplinary conference for art, media and network cultures, interfiction. Since the early 1990ies, she has developed as well as co-founded several media and network projects in the field of digital and analogital culture.

As a writer she has not only published several books and numoerous academic articles, since 1989 she is also a regular contributor to international art and culture journals, magazines, and other media (print and online). Moreover, she is regularly radio-active with her own art radio show (GUNST), and a contributing member of the international radio art network radia.fm.