
Outdoor Math

Geometry, combinatorics and functions can be found all over the world. Our advertising pillars become gigantic cylinders, banisters become linear functions and pavements become mathematical patterns. Grab your smartphone and get to know your surroundings from a new perspective.

Sept. 28th. 2024
11:30-4:30 pm

Booth 3

The project

MathCityMap is based on the Mathtrail idea, which was first developed in Australia in 1984. Since then, more and more math teachers and creative users have discovered the trails for themselves. In collaboration with autentek and Stiftung Rechnen, Prof. Matthias Ludwig's team at the Institute of Mathematics Education and Computer Science is bringing a new technical component into play with the smartphone app. 

The app uses GPS to help you find and solve the tasks, displays them and automatically provides feedback on the solutions via the feedback system. Helpful hints can also be retrieved. Mathtrails is available for every age group and every context. They are aimed at teachers and creative users who want to create their own tasks and trails.