
Urban participation or when housing becomes a commodity

In many German cities, affordable housing is a scarce commodity and more and more people have to fear rent increases that threaten their livelihood. How and where do low-income households live and what impact does the sell-off have on urban participation? What options are there to tackle the situation?

Sept. 28th. 2024
11:30-12:00 pm

Booth 3

Discuss with...

Susanne Heeg is Professor of Geographical Urban Research at the Institute of Human Geography at Goethe University. She is particularly concerned with the conditions and factors in the production of the constructed urban environment. She examines how participation in the city is negotiated in the area of material and structural conditions. This means analyzing unequal access to housing and the transformation of housing into investment products. In this context, “participation” means enabling a commoning or a non-market organization of housing.